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Bigger Penis, Better Lover - Make Your Penis Big Naturally

Most men nurture the secret desire to possess larger penises. Though experts feel otherwise, the majority of men think that a bigger penis can make them better lovers.

Though technique is more important than size and most women feel that being attentive to their emotional needs is more relevant than size, men seem to be hooked onto the notion that they can satisfy a women sexually only if they can reach deep inside her which they can do only if they have the desired penile length.

Moreover, a larger member can do wonders for the male confidence and this confidence can give a big thrust to your performance in bed. There is no denying that most average or men with smaller penises can satisfy women with their love making skills, but a large number of men still feel they could do better with a few extra inches added to where it matters the most.

Men have been at penile enlargement since ancient times and there have been a couple of methods and techniques devised to enhance penile size. However, not all these products are safe and effective. Some can even prove dangerous and make you impotent. Such methods include pumps, weights, surgery and silicone injections. Moreover, there is no topical application that can grow your shaft. It is better you do not believe advertisements for such lotions and creams that claim to enhance penile size.

The only methods that are backed with scientific and clinical evidence include penile exercises and traction devices. Moreover, natural pills can give a big boost to your sexual performance by enhancing your sexual stamina.

These exercises which are called Jelqs are an ancient technique but they work exceptionally well in increasing the size of the Corpora Cavernosa or the two blood holding chambers on top of the shaft through Tissue Expansion. This sis the same technique that is used by some tribal women to enlarge their necks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Penn
