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What To Do If You Have A Small Penis

If you have a particularly small penis, usually considered below 5 inches, you may wonder what you can do to enhance that size. It can be a problem to have such a small penis but fortunately there are many solutions to this.

First, you want to get over the embarrassment factor that you may be feeling. There is nothing to be embarrassed about, and there are easy ways to make up for your lack of penis size. Although it is true that most likely there is nothing you can do to gain the length in your penis that you may want, there are ways to hide the smaller size. Besides the common tricks to enlarge your penis just for the purposes of sex, you can make your small penis a non-issue with confidence and the secure knowledge that you can still perform well in bed.

The most common way to hide a small penis is by actually bringing it out more by trimming or shaving your pubic hair. You may think by hiding it with the hair it might appear larger, but more often then not it just hides it. Bring out every inch of your penis and it will look larger. Don’t worry about women wondering why you are shaving, because shaving your pubic hair is much more in style right now then you might realize.

Another very effective way to make your penis look larger is to take a hot bath or shower before sex. The hot water increases blood flow and will help to expand the corpora cavernosa, which are the two tissues in your penis that hold the most blood. After the hot water hits your penis, you will be able to hold more blood then you normally could so that you add inches and harder erections to your normally smaller penis.

Lastly, a very simple solution to making your penis appear larger is to lose weight. Often men that have a “beer belly” actually make their penis smaller by adding weight to that area. Not only will your penis be able to show itself off more, but if you are in better shape you will have more stamina and energy when it comes to sex. That alone will make your 5 inches feel much better to the woman because you can thrust it further in and give her more pleasure.
