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How Does Your Penis Grow? Penis Growth Secrets Finally Revealed

How does your penis grow? This is a question being asked by more and more men every day. The insecurities of having a smaller penis can lead to wanting to know how, and if, it's possible to increase the size of your penis. Hopefully I'll be able to reveal some of the secrets today.

First, let's look at what doesn't work. Penis pumps and rings are not good to use. Both of these products work differently but basically they both engorge the penis with more blood then usual and increase the size of your penis. However, using these products after time can cause you to have weaker and softer natural erections. Not something you want!

So what about penis pills? Do these answer the question of 'how does your penis grow'? The answer is 'yes and no'! Penis pills are made with all natural ingredients that are known to increase blood flow and circulation. The better blood flow and circulation you have to your penis the more your penis will fill with blood and thus be bigger. So pills help maximize what you already have but don't grow the size of your penis.

One of the best 'how does your penis grow' solutions is the use of a penis extender. These work by putting a gentle longitudinal force on your penis. As this happens, the tissue in your penis gets stretched and therefore a little damaged. As your penis heals itself, the tissue increase which allows your penis to hold more blood. Many men experience up to 3 inches increase in size along with harder and stronger erections.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_O'Donnell
