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Do Women Really Want a Man With a Big Penis?

Most men, at one time or another, have asked themselves these questions. What size penis do women prefer? Do women really want a man with a big penis? You see, the majority of men have at least some doubts about how adequate they are in the size department. If you ask your women if you are big enough, she will undoubtedly say yes, at least to your face. Be careful, though, because you may just get her to thinking! If she starts talking to her girlfriends, you could end up searching for a quick way to make your penis bigger.

It seems that women have become much more vocal about all aspects of sexuality, and this includes their preference of penis size. A recent online survey asked this question of it's female readers. If you had your choice of having sex with an average looking man with a large penis, or a great looking guy with just an average sized penis, which would you choose? Surprisingly, nearly 80% of the gals said they would take the larger penis every time! When asked what size the considered small, most answered anything under 7 inches! Now, the average size erection is just about 6 inches long, so according to that survey, most of us do not measure up!

You do not have to worry, though, because there is a way to make your penis bigger. You can gain from 1 to 4 inches of length, and up to 2 inches of that all important girth with a good program of natural penis exercises. There is no need for useless enhancement pills that will do nothing except cost you money each month, and you will not need dangerous gadgets, such as penis pumps and stretchers. Just use your hands to perform some very specific exercises, and you will safely, and effectively get the gains you want.

Do women really want a man with a big penis? It appears so! The best way to be certain you measure up is with a good program of penile exercise. Follow it exactly as written, and you will soon be packing enough between your legs to satisfy even the pickiest woman!

Even though your lover may not tell you to your face, she wants you to have a bigger penis.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_Lee_Stevens
